Thelemic date

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yeah, More Resolutions

OK, I'll slip in some resolutions at the end of 2005.

1. More postings. I've been remiss, I know. I've got some topics I want to cover, such as: Words Conservatives Should Never Ever Use Again and Can Intelligent Design Explain My Knees?

2. The return of KoPubCo. Koman Publishing has been acquired by The Triplanetary Corporation, a California company. With that acquisition comes a new direction: KoPubCo will bring back the currently out of print works of yours truly, as well as a new line of historical adventures for children. More on that in 2006...

3. More new writing. Look for a new Captain Anger and an updated Kings of the High Frontier.

4. Less clutter: look for lots of stuff for sale on eBay, dealer name TriplanetaryTrader.

All my best wishes for a Happy New Year!